How Limescale Increases Bacterial Growth
In Your Kitchen & Bathroom
Read on for a simple easy-to-install solution to help protect your health.
Read on for a simple easy-to-install solution to help protect your health.
If you’re like me, you’ve probably been using the same anti-bacterial kitchen cleaner for years without even thinking about it. I mean, it’s just a spray bottle with blue stuff in it, right? Wrong! Turns out that my go-to kitchen cleaner might be fighting a losing battle against harmful bacteria.
In this post, I’m going to explain how limescale increases bacterial growth (and what you can do about it). So stay tuned!
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Biofilm Growth Harbouring Bacteria
Limescale Build-up On A Tap Spout
I’m sure you’ve all seen that weird, chalky white stuff that builds up on your shower head, taps, and in your kettle, eventually forming an unsightly crust. That’s limescale – and it’s not just a harmless deposit from hard water; it can actually be pretty dangerous stuff that also accumulates where you can’t see it – inside your homes pipework, boiler, immersion heater, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.
Limescale is made up of calcium carbonate, which is great for healthy bones and teeth. But it’s not so great when it comes to preventing bacteria, fungi, algae, and other unwanted micro-organisms from thriving in your kitchen and bathroom.
In fact, limescale provides the perfect environment for bacterial growth. The high levels of calcium carbonate make it an excellent food source for these unwanted nasties.
Moreover, limescale’s rough, uneven surface provides a perfect place for bacteria to attach themselves and form biofilms. These biofilms are very difficult to remove and provide a safe haven for bacteria to multiply unchecked.
So if you’re worried about the dangers of limescale, don’t just scrub it off your taps; reduce its buildup in the first place by fitting a zinc-based water conditioner. That way, you can help protect yourself and your family from harmful bacteria and pathogens like E.coli and Legionella (which cause Legionnaires’ disease).
Limescale Under An Electron Microscope
Biofilm Under An Electron Microscope
Dangers of limescale, who knew? That crusty formation with a slimy layer of biofilm is seriously gross and can cause serious health issues.
While it may not seem like a big deal initially, limescale buildup can be quite troublesome. Here are five dangers of limescale that you should be aware of:
If you live in a hard water area you may already have a limescale problem or at least the beginnings of one, so it’s advisable to consider installing a water conditioner to prevent further damage and to slowly start reversing any existing buildup.
Examples Of Biofilm Containing Bacteria & Other Microorganisms
So, there you have it – limescale is not only unsightly and difficult to remove but can also increase bacterial growth. Yuck!
Luckily, there is a fit-and-forget zero-maintenance solution to reducing limescale, and that is by fitting a water conditioner from Advanced Hydro or Aquabion; the two market leaders in this field.
Do you live in a hard water area? Have you ever faced a limescale problem in your home? If so and you have any questions then feel free to email us. Going forwards, don’t forget to protect yourself and your loved ones by installing one of these units – it really is the best way to keep those pesky limescale-loving bacteria at bay!
Advanced Hydro Water Conditioners
Aquabion Water Conditioners
How To Clean Your Shower Head
What Is Biofilm
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Bacteria In Your Shower Head